Discovering the True You

Discovering the True You
Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Supernatural Nature of Transformation and Awareness

 When thinking about salvation in today’s culture of doubt and denial the concept of salvation can lose its power.  Especially in American culture in an independence that asserts itself and attributes great power to the individual it is easy to forget the nature of the supernatural in faith.  Many people find themselves relying of self and ego and some human effort when thinking of salvation.  Merton is very clear that he believes that it is much more.  His comment is that salvation, “not merely a psychological thing – a self realization in the order of nature.  It is an objective and mystical reality – the finding of ourselves in  Christ, in the Spirit, or if you prefer, in the supernatural order”.  Merton asserts that it is the invasion of the supernatural into your human existence. 

This is especially important in the search for self.  It is not a self-improvement process.  It is about connecting to the transcendent, creator, redeemer God and allowing him to reveal or uncover it to you.  The secrets to this are not in you.  This is the difference in a Christian view and a secular world view.  The alternative to the idea that all you need to know is in you and if you slow down enough or become more self-aware you will realize it is that you need God’s help, and he is ready to guide you.

Merton’s assertion is that Salvation is the connection to the most powerful source in the universe.  It is the empowerment of your human flesh to have union with the God who created you and loves you.  In your union of love with him he will begin to reveal things about you to you.  His presence gives courage to journey deep.  Things that you long covered up or have forgotten will be restored through the process of revelation through relationship.  It is a lifetime process of working our that Salvation with fear and trembling.  It is not a self-improvement project or the outcome of effort of human.  This is different from other philosophies that attribute to man the power of change.  From a faith perspective Merton believed only God could bring restoration to man.  It required supernatural power to reverse the damage done by sin.  God has met the need and has provided just what is needed. 

If you have struggled against habits or your own human nature it is a natural outcome that you lose.  You instinctively know this from experience.  It is a supernatural process to bring transformation.  You can correct habits and lifestyle, but it does nothing to the heart.  It may make a big difference since life works better when you are not self-destructive, but it is not the transformation that God can bring.  It will involve your will, but it will also be empowered by the Holy Spirit.  So remember that there is more than self in self-improvement.  In fact is that is about our creator.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The False Self: Where did all this begin?

Because of man’s disobedience you and I not longer has fellowship with our Creator.  Adam and Eve’s rebellion the only accurate reflection of who you and I are is lost.  We are now alienated from the very source of self-knowledge that really matters.  We have surrendered to the whispers of condemnation and shame coming from the Devil himself.  It is in his vested interest to keep you from your destiny.  As long as you are wandering and uncertain you are no threat to him.  Our opinion of who we are is skewed by the negativity and lies of the enemy.  There is only one clarion voice that can clear up your confusion.  You have been invited into an intimate relationship with your creator.  You must return to the love and truth of that relationship to experience the journey of discovery with Him.  Until you do, you are held captive to the fear and uncertainty of life without Him. 

Your tendency to hide and create masks is a natural instinct.  It begins when we are infants.  Thomas Merton states, “to say I was born in sin is to say that I came into the world with a false self.  I was born with a mask.”  (Page 13) It is the essence of sin to reject God the creator and to rely on your own effort.  The great tragedy is that in doing so that you trade your authentic purpose and destiny that God intended for the small, limited, one dimensional life that Satan offers.  You surrender your potential based on your uniqueness and design for the mundane, illusionary lie that the enemy offers.  You abandon your role in the Kingdom of the Creator.  You abdicate the fulfillment and satisfaction of living into your design.  These vanish with this fateful choice. 

Again Thomas Merton clarifies this choice.  He states, “When we identify ourself as separate from God… the essence of the false self… we position ourselves ‘over against’ the created order.” (Page 14)  You choose to rebel against your very own unique design.  One strange thing that occurs in the process of creating a false self is that you are often blind to it.  (Page 14) You do not even know what you have lost. 

After the creation of a false persona it requires great energy to maintain it.  It is exhausting.  It becomes an all-consuming effort (Page 31).  It is only an elaborate facade to cover our emptiness.  It is no more real or authentic for all your effort.  Every sin you commit to prop up the illusion puts a greater distance between yourself and the amazing, unique true self that God designed your to be.

The process of creating a false self begins when you feel threatened or insecure about how you present yourself based on the perceived expectations of someone else.  In some cases these are from the past.  Those in authority over us can have an exaggerated impact.  For instance I carry certain expectations from my father that stay with me.  One of these was shined shoes.  He meticulously polished his shoes and you could see your reflection in them.  I still feel a tinge of guilt if I look down and see a pair of scuffed shoes. 

Becoming aware of this is the first step to allow you to begin to notice when you start the process.  

Do you ever feel the weariness of pretending?

Are you experiencing the love of an accepting heavenly father?

Are you snuggling with your creator?

Are you self aware and paying attention?

Merton quotes from New Seeds of Contemplation.

Man’s Dilema: The Loss of True Self

One of the struggles many face is the challenge to identify and to be true to themselves.  In some circles this is viewed as some new age quest or psychological rabbit trail.  In some cases it may be.  But it is also a valid spiritual question to answer. Our understanding of our identity is at the core of our effectiveness and our ability to .  It forms the foundation of what we can and will accomplish as we live out our journey of faith.  It will determine our approach and the depth of our relationship with Abba Father.  It will either be a barrier or a benefit to the development of your faith.  If you have an accurate sense of self based on God’s assessment you will be able accomplish the good works that God planned in advance for you to do.  If you have accepted the lies and insecurities of the deceiver and believed his assessment then you will be limited by those beliefs.  The sad reality that is reflected on by Thomas Merton is that most people live their whole lives without ever finding what he refers to as our True Self.  A majority reject God’s plan and are trapped in the chains of performance and pressure to be someone that they were never created to be. 

Because of sin, man no longer walks in union with his creator.  Man’s rebellion has set him against the one that he needs the most.  It has set up a barrier between man and the one that knows us the best.  Only until we can reunite and reestablish relationship will we find the answers that we need to begin the journey back to ourselves.  Only when we surrender ourselves to our creator can we find the answers of our unique creation.  He is ready, willing and able to reveal what he is calling us to and who we are.  He is able to lift us from our own wisdom to his.  He will give insight as we get glimpses of ourselves throughout different episodes of our journey. 

It takes courage to face who we really are.  While it is a journey of self-discovery it is also a time to discover of limitations and areas that are not strengths.  It does not take away our strengths, but all strengths have incumbent weaknesses.  It only means that we must be students of ourselves.  Being self-aware allows us to know who we are, what our strengths are, and our short comings.  We all have them and this is part of being human.  But if we are too dependent the approval of others we may be tempted to try to deny this reality.  This is where the courage comes in.  Are we willing to accept the self that God created us to be rather than succumb to the demands of all the voices around us.  As stated earlier most comply with the voices and never accept the beauty of God’s work in themselves.  They never experience the joy of fulfilment that flows from using their God given talents and skills.  They never rest in themselves but rather continue to strive to perform to meet the expectations of others.  This in itself is a rejection of God and his plan. 

Your Mission: (Should you choose to accept it...  LOL) is to begin a journey toward the one who made you and really snuggle in and to begin to see yourself as you are, as he sees you!

An Affirmation

I am an original, treasured, extraordinary, capable, unique, gifted, individual, unrepeatable, and one of a kind. He calls me a masterpiece. That is who I am.