Discovering the True You

Discovering the True You
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Supernatural Nature of Transformation and Awareness

 When thinking about salvation in today’s culture of doubt and denial the concept of salvation can lose its power.  Especially in American culture in an independence that asserts itself and attributes great power to the individual it is easy to forget the nature of the supernatural in faith.  Many people find themselves relying of self and ego and some human effort when thinking of salvation.  Merton is very clear that he believes that it is much more.  His comment is that salvation, “not merely a psychological thing – a self realization in the order of nature.  It is an objective and mystical reality – the finding of ourselves in  Christ, in the Spirit, or if you prefer, in the supernatural order”.  Merton asserts that it is the invasion of the supernatural into your human existence. 

This is especially important in the search for self.  It is not a self-improvement process.  It is about connecting to the transcendent, creator, redeemer God and allowing him to reveal or uncover it to you.  The secrets to this are not in you.  This is the difference in a Christian view and a secular world view.  The alternative to the idea that all you need to know is in you and if you slow down enough or become more self-aware you will realize it is that you need God’s help, and he is ready to guide you.

Merton’s assertion is that Salvation is the connection to the most powerful source in the universe.  It is the empowerment of your human flesh to have union with the God who created you and loves you.  In your union of love with him he will begin to reveal things about you to you.  His presence gives courage to journey deep.  Things that you long covered up or have forgotten will be restored through the process of revelation through relationship.  It is a lifetime process of working our that Salvation with fear and trembling.  It is not a self-improvement project or the outcome of effort of human.  This is different from other philosophies that attribute to man the power of change.  From a faith perspective Merton believed only God could bring restoration to man.  It required supernatural power to reverse the damage done by sin.  God has met the need and has provided just what is needed. 

If you have struggled against habits or your own human nature it is a natural outcome that you lose.  You instinctively know this from experience.  It is a supernatural process to bring transformation.  You can correct habits and lifestyle, but it does nothing to the heart.  It may make a big difference since life works better when you are not self-destructive, but it is not the transformation that God can bring.  It will involve your will, but it will also be empowered by the Holy Spirit.  So remember that there is more than self in self-improvement.  In fact is that is about our creator.

An Affirmation

I am an original, treasured, extraordinary, capable, unique, gifted, individual, unrepeatable, and one of a kind. He calls me a masterpiece. That is who I am.