Discovering the True You

Discovering the True You

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Perpertual Death

 I was recently listening to Richard Rohr in an online course that I downloaded.  He used a phrase that has stayed with me since.  He was speaking of Jesus command that we have to die to live.  It is in the gospels multiple times and can be confusing or misunderstood.  He made the statement that as Christians were “perpetually dying”.  It reminds me of the scripture that adds the word “daily” after this command.  It is the ego self that drives the insurrection against your decision to die to self.  The ego wants to live and fights the spirit for rule.  The false self that depends on the ego will tell you all the reasons that surrendering your will to God is a bad idea.  All the fears that haunt you and motivate your creation of masks in the first place will make a full-scale assault on you.  If you listen to all the noise and interference you will never commit to voluntarily giving up control.  The false self and the ego will always demand control.  Your false self truly believes that only you can be trusted to control your surroundings.God created you and knows that with his help you can be restored.  It requires that you “perpetually die” to your will, your desires and your whole self.  The promise is that you will gain your life if you do this.  

The true self can express itself when you kill the sources of the false.  It can thrive in the soil of God’s love and acceptance.  The true self has room to experience its full expression when choose to allow him full control.  This control is never perfect.  That is why we die daily.  It is a choice to surrender our self to Him every day.  To surrender to your creator is the most logical and safe choice.  The belief that somehow you can do better than he can is ridiculous.  Remember that when you hear the lies from the deceiver.  Trade your masks for His reality.  He will reveal aspects of the real you a little at a time.  Through that relationship with him your identity and purpose will gradually become clear.  But it is an everyday decision to die “perpetually” to who you have created to embrace who He created you to be.  Do it today and every day!  It will give you life and life more abundant.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Westminster Catechism and Authentic Living Forever

 The Westminster Catechism was approved in 1646 by the Church of England.  It was drafted and revised by the Scottish and English theologians for 3 years.  Its purpose was to write a simpler presentation of the beliefs of the church for use in teaching its members.  It is formatted in the form of question and answer.  The first question was the most important and most basic.  It was, “What is the chief end of man?”  The answer, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”

This is a powerful confirmation for the attitude of the believer who desires to live authentically in their true self.  Man finds his highest sense of purpose when he lives to glorify God.  You are destined to be a part of His plan to usher in His Kingdom.  His plan is for you to enjoy Him for the rest of your existence on this earth and beyond.  This is akin to Merton’s view of your existence.  When you are in union with your creator cooperating with Him and drawing your identity from Him it is the path to fulfillment and eternal life and satisfaction.  This is truly “enjoying Him forever” as stated earlier.  It is only possible if you embrace Him and learn to embrace your true self.  He is ready and willing to join you in your journey.  

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Demands of Authentic Living

 In his book, “No Man is an Island” Thomas Merton speaks of the demands of living in your true self.  He states that it requires that you and I, “go beyond the limits of my own egotism”.  In Christ I find myself, but it requires that I lose the masks and false selves that are not a part of His will.  You can only find yourself in Him.  As your creator he knows you inside and out.  He designed you and knows the purpose that you are designed a part of His Kingdom.  When you attempt to find your own purpose it is based on ego and you create masks and you end up deceiving yourself as well as others.  You create your own fantasy based on your desires or what you perceive will please others.  It is an illusion and has nothing to do with reality.  Your true self demands that you deny yourself and enter into union with transcendent god and creator. 

But as the scripture states, “If you lose your life, you will save it.  The life you save is the real you.  It is the one that is in union with your transcendent creator.  It is the one that experiences the joy and satisfaction of real fulfilment.  It is the one that has great joy in His presence.  The psalmist states, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, And that my soul knows very well.  (Ps. 139:14).  My prayer is that you find that level of awareness of your value and uniqueness.  It is that you experience that union that brings daily affirmation of it.  It is that you too enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment of working and living in the authentic individual that you are created to be.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



The term haecceity comes from a Catholic theologian, philosopher who proposed that everyone of us was made from a unique “this” and not “that”.  In Latin it literally means thisness.  The emphasis was that each part of creation is unique.  It is made of “different stuff” than all other people and things.  Merton added the idea that nature also part of allowed is idea is a reminder that you are unique from every other person by design.  When you dig a little deeper believed that the very substance that you are made of is different than the substance that I am made of. 

People who do not believe in their uniqueness and value are the normal and not the exception today.  There is an epidemic of this issue in our society.  People assume that they are the same as everyone else.  The theory of evolution denies your uniqueness and confirms your sameness.  The only difference that is based your circumstances and life experience.  Scotus’s belief that you are specifically designed for His purposes.  You are no accident.  You are perfectly fit tor the task that he has set aside for you to accomplish.  Your hair color, body type, gifts, aptitudes and more are predetermined for a specific plan by your creator.  You are an intentional “this” as mentioned in the former paragraph.  You fit in a specific place in His kingdom.  This truth is a celebration of you!  The psalmist David states that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.  You have a calling and a purpose assigned by the almighty transcendent creator.  When you discover and function in that purpose you experience fulfillment and eternal satisfaction.

The enemy of your soul would rather have you spend your existence in meaningless pursuits and activities.  He would rather have you thrashing about attempting to find significance.  In that effort he wants to misdirect you into pretending you are something that you are not rather than discover your true self.  God wants you to experience what it really means to be you and to become who you were meant to be.  This begins with a choice to join Him in union and allow that relationship to define who you are.  You will have consistent moments of clarity where you see who you are and learn new aspects about yourself.  But the choice is up to you.  Either maintain that mask or begin to step out and risk being yourself.  It is worth it.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Fear or Confidence

 When trying to decide your degree of authenticity and your comfort with your true self scripture gives a simple test.  Do you live in fear of the opinions of others or do you have a sense of confidence about who you are and whose you are.  When you live with confidence and face relationships with that same confidence it is a sign that you are in that zone.  The kind of confidence that I am speaking of flows from your relationship with God the Father.  That union leads to a sense of faith and trust that God created you and knows what he is doing. 

When you live in fear of others it flows from a sense of inadequacy and low self-worth.  This is the opposite of God’s opinion of you.  It is living a life detached from Him and dependent on your effort for any sense of competency.  It is basing your value on the value that you perceive that others place on you.  It is a means of survival.  This flows from a deep pit of self-doubt and robs you of the confidence mentioned earlier.  It is an assessment based on comparison to others.  You will never experience a sense of competency because there is always someone better.  The opinions of others are accepted as all truth.  Your source of validation is completely external.  There is no way to experience any peace or any sense of intrinsic value with this method of valuation.

When you live with a confidence based on a secure, settled relationship with Abba Father you are free to base your value and worth on His opinion of you and can stand when called to compromise your true self.  You can recognize your value in His eyes.  When you realize that who you are is a deliberate choice of your loving Father who transcends the universe it will change your whole perspective.  You have a place in His universe that transcends the opinions of others and the voices of your self-doubt.  This is who you really are and when you know it, you can stand in confidence.  There is no authority of others to assign your value because you are His and he created you.  This is your true value. 

Finally, this is all based on your love relationship with Him.  It flows from the love affair that you have with your creator.  The whole basis of your confidence if the love you have experienced in union with Him.  The power of His valuation is in that relationship.  It is the defining basis of all that you are.  Your identity is defined by what He believes about you and not what you feel about yourself. 

You and I will spend a lifetime trying to fully realize that reality.  It is a process of filtering the lies that you have collected and replacing them with His truth.  The Holy Spirit is faithful to reveal the deception and to show you what is true.  With each correction you become more aware of who you really are.  This is the process that you will experience if you are open and remain in union with the source of truth.  Welcome to the journey.  Walk in faith and confidence knowing that you are His and that He has set your value and created you for a time like this. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Beware of the Trade Offs

Choosing to where a mask instead of living a life of authenticity is a natural choice.  Choosing to reject a growing relationship with your creator and taking charge even seems wise.  These seem like effective strategies to avoid pain, rejection and to meet the expectations of others.  Self-protection on the surface seems necessary.  On deeper examination this strategy is self-destructive.  The consequences lead to an illusionary life.  Thomas Moore speaks of this in terms of “forgetting”.  He states that we forget who we were and who we might be.

The first thing we forget is who we were.  Masks are powerful things.  They can become real to us.  We buy into our own illusions.  The past informs us.  The false self you create by design buries any reality and negates any growth.  It is an avoidance of truth and attempts to distances you from pain.  Your new persona (or mask) is escape from reality and the creation of an illusion.

The second thing we forget according to Moore is “what we might be”.  The journey of life is revealing new things to us every day.  If we live in reality we will be continually discovering new aspects of our true, authentic self.  The cost of pretense is the loss of the future.  God has created you with great potential and over your life you will experience new elements of “what you might be” gradually.  The excitement of the gradual revelation of new things about yourself is part of the wonder and fulfillment of the Kingdom of God.  You have a special place in that plan.  But you cannot grow from a defensive posture.  In your created, illusionary world the false self closes the door to self-awareness.  It specializes in self-protection.

These two traps are places of deception and pretense.  There is no advancement and no reality.  You are cut off from the source of all insight and self-knowledge.  You are alienated from Abba Father.  He is the source of all truth.  Your alienation and self-protection cuts you off from all reality.  This are the true trade offs of your choice of pretense.  Your choice of faith in and union with the transcendent, creator God and the revealer of all truth allows life, fulfillment, and revelation to flow.  You open the door to relationship and life.  So the choice is yours.  The trade-offs are real and costly.  Faith is the only healthy choice.  The faith to join in union with your creator is the beginning of a love affair that will bring growth and fulfillment for the rest of your life. He is waiting for you with open arms.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Excuses, Excuses

You and I tend to shift responsibility when we make bad choices.  When it comes to the choice to create a mask and reside in the false self we do the same.  It is an impulse that must be avoided.  It is another act of deception that leads you further from the truth about the beauty of you!  When speaking of this Merton states, “It is the fault of the person who consents to the illusion, who finds security in self-deception…”  To be clear, if you are avoiding something it is probably difficult and unpleasant   You do not create illusions about things that are easy.  When you face the possibility of being rejected it is easy to attempt to become something that you are not.

Merton continues his quote.  He says that we are not willing to, “answer the secret voice of God calling him to take the risk of faith outside the protective limits of his five senses.”  The choice is clear, to live a life of illusions or to risk the exposure of faith.  The risk of rejection is real.  Some people may judge you and have expectations that you may never meet.  But the drastic choice to move to a life that is not real will cripple you!  You will have an imaginary life with little or no growth.  It is a choice to defer growth.  The issues that might drive change have been effectively neutralized.  The masks that you establish will deter any self-reflection, self-knowledge or self-awareness.  

It is a courageous choice to listen to that voice that will lead you to risk it all.  It a call to trust your creator fully and let Him show you who you are.  It is a choice to be real, authentic and true.  It is a choice to reject deception and illusion.  It is a choice to live rather than simply survive.  It is a choice to embrace life and experience fulfillment.  It is a choice to fully enter into a union with God.  It is a choice to invest it all into a love affair with your creator that gave his life for you.  It is a choice!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Fear of the Deep

 As I write, the invitation to experience the depths of God is in every post.  The reality however is that most of you will not choose to accept it.  This is not to insult you, but rather to reflect the reality that Merton spoke of.  He believed that most people would die before ever experiencing their true self.  Why is this?

In this blog I will reflect on one of the issues that are an obstacle to this experience.  It is a fear of the deep.  Most of us live in a fleshly surface level.  Going to church does not necessarily cure this.  The temptation to get earthbound is powerful.  It is sensory and draws you to experience of immediate gratification and visible world around you.  It is not wrong to live life to the fullest!  As a believer and as a son of God the creator of the universe, He has given you a great capacity for joy and satisfaction.  However, this is not the purpose of life.  In the midst of living and learning you will experience these graces.

But there are moments that we get glimpses of the deep.  Like a shipwreck lying on the ocean floor in clear water something will become clear and will reveal something you need to know at that very moment.  These insights are not random.  God plants these moments as invitations to deeper relationship.  But like diving, it will take more than a snorkel.  It will require a diving suit and air tanks.

The depths invite you, but you know that the path will not be easy.  It will require courage to explore the complexity of you.  It will require that you trust God in the depths without the air tanks.  You must rely on Him to be your all and your provider.  You will be called upon to let go of all the fear that holds you back and to engage fully into union with God.  It will require trust in Him as he uncovers the layers of your deception and reveals your true face.  The face that you chose to hide.  He will expose it for you to see.  But he will only do this with your permission. 

This is an invitation to the deep.  You do not know the treasures that you are missing.  There are no lifejackets or air tanks allowed.  Full submission to your creator is required to guide you on your journey.  Take the plunge!  It is worth it.  Your creator has so much to show you.  He is waiting.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Hard Choices

You and I make choices everyday that lead to the False self or the EGO or affirm your journey toward the divine, unique individual that you were created to be.  William Shannon speaks of it this way, "the seed of God straining to burst the shell of superficial self and activate our capacity for the divine."  This echoes Jesus when he stated that a seed must "fall to the ground and die" and if it did it "would "bear much fruit" (John 12:24).  You cannot activate the transcendent, eternal part of yourself.  You must have the help of your creator to return to his idea of you.  The touch of the divine opens the door to self awareness and strength to face whatever issues that produce your urge to put on a mask.  It is that union with Him that allows you to start your journey back to your true self.  It is His strength that makes it possible through His love to experience the great fulfilment of self discovery and authenticity.

The first choice is to die to your own ego and ego driven desires.  They will lead you to deception and pretense.  But after that there are many choices ahead.  Everyday you will either self deception or self discovery.  Your will aided by the power of the Holy Spirit and will gain new eyes to see your interior and reality.  You will experience the joy he feels when he looks at you.  That is the power of your choice.  The previous paragraph promises that you "will bear much fruit" or it will "activate your capacity for the divine."  

So the choice(s) is yours.  Are you willing to submit your ego to Him and let Him guide you to all truth?  Or are you going to arrogantly grasp at your self deception as truth?  The choice seems easy, but factor in your fear and your desire for self protection and it gets complicated.  Let me assure you that the choice is worth the cost.  You have an intimate relationship with God, more life satisfaction, and heaven to gain.  What do you really have to lose?

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Masks, Performance and Authenticity

 The people in our lives can make many demands of us. These demands come from our family, our friends, our parents and co-workers. Personally I carried a mask of performance. I believed that I had to project an image of perfect performance to be a worthy human being. If my performance was less than that The problem that I faced was that along the way I made some BIG mistakes, made some bad choices and although I still stayed connected to my world, the gap between my illusion and my performance began to widen. I was able to maintain my deception and keep moving, but the reality in my spirit, in my emotions and in my day to day life began to take a toll.

I even began to believe my own deception some of the time, but eventually the truth came crashing through and I had to stop and reconstruct the illusion before I could move any further. Once that took place I could move forward again. This continued until I broke. I came to a moment that overwhelmed and overloaded my system. This was sudden and shook me to my core. I questioned everything.

That break was the beginning of life. I realized that I lived in an illusion that came at a great cost. I experienced a real, honest faith for the first time. I found that God did not expect what I had accepted for my whole existence. I realized that grace was real and that He had provided it even before I even knew I needed it. I began to form relationships based on reality rather than illusion and dishonesty. I developed friendships that were honest. I found safe places that allowed me to be myself.

Fast forward a few years and many lessons later, I can say that life is good. It is not perfect, and it never was… I not only love God, but I actually like Him. He is still holy,I still carried on the illusion that I things were still as perfect as always.still transcendent, still reminds me when I try to be something that I am not. He still forces me to face my own deception and reveals reality. But I know that He likes me too! He really loves me and wants to spend time with me. He created me and knows all my secrets but he still values me intrinsically.

This is the greatest reality. I have learned to rest. I realized that I do not have to strive or compulsively attempt to be something that I am not. I have learned to rest just as I am and enjoy Him and even more radical, enjoy me! And that is the greatest miracle.

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Prayer of St. Augustine

 St. Augustine was known for his soul searching and his desire for authenticity.  His  book, "The Confessions of St. Augustine is introspective and honest.  It is raw and unfiltered honesty flowing from an early church Father.  Having published it in today's environment he would probably not be allowed in ministry for his honesty and sinfulness.  The only other book with any similarity is "The Seven Story Mountain" by Thomas Merton.  The two works have been compared favorably.  This is a poem of Augustine that reflects the spirit of his own heart in order to connect with his creator and saviour.  Read this and reflect on your own quest toward authenticity and uncovering your true self.  Learn from this example of self-reflection and honest desire for God.  The  point of all of this is not to focus on the bad, but rather the grace that you and I and Augustine experience as we come into union with Abba, Father.

St. Augustine's Prayer

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know You,

And desire nothing save only You.

Let me hate myself and love You.

Let me do everything for the sake of You.

Let me humble myself and exalt You.

Let me think of nothing except You.

Let me die to myself and live in You.

Let me accept whatever happens as from You.

Let me banish self and follow You,

And ever desire to follow You.

Let me fly from myself and take refuge in You,

That I may deserve to be defended by You.

Let me fear for myself, let me fear You,

And let me be among those who are chosen by You.

Let me distrust myself and put my trust in You.

Let me be willing to obey for the sake of You.

Let me cling to nothing save only to You,

And let me be poor because of You.

Look upon me, that I may love You.

Call me that I may see You,

And for ever enjoy You.


St. Augustine of Hippo

An Affirmation

I am an original, treasured, extraordinary, capable, unique, gifted, individual, unrepeatable, and one of a kind. He calls me a masterpiece. That is who I am.